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About Attilio
Designed for inspiring women who bring passion to everything they do.

A story of love and legacy.
It was love and the desire to create a legacy that turned principal designer Millie Ho into the exceptional jeweler she is today.
In 2012, Millie Ho founded Attilio, which means ‘father- like’ in Italian, to honor her father Pak Tao Ho’s passion and contributions to the jewelry design industry and breathe new life into the world of fine jewelry.
Based on her life background Millie aims to inspire and empower the youth, the creative thinkers, the life lovers.
“I want to inspire the next generation of designers, and people in general. Transmitting them that it’s never too late to make a change and to keep doing what you love.”
- Millie Ho
Long-standing passion for the world of jewelry
Brought up with time-honored Chinese family traditions, Millie’s love of jewelry and art, entrepreneurial spirit, and appreciation for the finest gemstones can all be traced back to her artistic father’s care.
Millie moved gracefully between two different worlds and spent many years in Canada before returning to Hong Kong to fully understand her Chinese cultural legacy. Her background led to her philosophy of infusing the best of both worlds into exquisite designs that highlight the beauty and elegance of different materials and cultures.
After completing her schooling, Millie studied science at university and went on to dedicate herself to medicine by working in a hospital for a decade. After a noble career, she pivoted to a different world entirely: floral design. Millie’s well-nurtured artistic sense led to an extraordinarily successful business and numerous awards for her unique creations and ability to see things differently. After achieving many accolades for her floral designs, she pivoted once again and returned to her and her father’s first love: the jewelry business.
The Legacy Continues
As it was passed down to her, Millie is now driven by the desire to convey her love of jewelry design to future generations. Since 2018, Attilio has supported The Jewelry Design Competition for Hong Kong secondary school students, jointly organized by the Gem & Jewelry Alumni Association and the Education Bureau. Designed to give students an insight into the real world of jewelry design, Millie was guest speaker, judge and sponsor and helped to bring the winning student’s beautiful design to life.
Millie’s deeply felt wish is that sharing her story of the importance of doing what you love—and that it’s never too late to make a change—inspires the next generation of designers. She hopes they will feel empowered to produce creations of beauty, imbued with vitality, that will add grace and vibrancy to the most impressive of jewelry collections, and in turn, create their own legacy.